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I was thinking about blogging, and so it begins…

For a long time, and over many cold coffees and mindless daydreaming, I have been thinking about blogging. Moreover, I have actually tried to start a blog multiple times – but with great failure – every time. Not because it didn’t become a success with readers, but simply because it never got published.

But this time… is different… I hope…

Cause if nothing changes, nothing changes..Quote by Courtney C.Stevens

So this time I’m gonna do it, and I hope you’re gonna think along with me, because there’s a lot to be handled.

With this blog, I hope to connect with all my fellow girlies and ladies out there, longing for a place to think and reflect, because that’s at least what I do, aaaall of the time…

I will try my best to be relevant, real, authentic, and moreover relatable. I promise that this space is going to be fun, creative, and inspiring, but I also hope that we will find the space and room to reflect upon subjects that require a little more seriousness among us. Just to be sure we don’t leave anything important behind. I also approach the idea that we might sometimes need a bit more investigative content that allows us to reflect and contemplate in a different way. 

That being said, you should think of PrettyMindsMagazine as your second brain, where all your thoughts are finally being captured, while the possibilities are endless. Because, oh my girl, you have a beautiful mind that needs to be explored and investigated, and together we will do so. That’s why topics ranging from men, first love, BookTok, to politics, women’s rights, and more will be discussed here, to uncover all the complexity, all the nonsense, and all the greatness within our PrettyMinds.

Reading is the new black, and we all know it. We need a place to connect and reflect upon all these subjects, also known as ‘our thoughts.’ And that’s what ‘Pretty Minds Magazine’ is here to offer. A platform where we dig deep into the trends and tendencies of the times, so we can confidently keep ourselves up to date with the latest vogue and be damn sure we are ready to take on the next heated debate with the girlies around a glass of martini.

So ladies, let the fun begin!


– PrettyMindsMagazine